Eid Greetings

Omar Mosque Comittee wishes all brothers and sisters a very Happy and Blessed Eid-Al-Adha 2011. Thanks to some brothers we were able to get some pictures of the Eid Prayer Gathering. Visit the following link Eid-Al-Adha 2011

Eid Al-Adha 2011

Eid Al- Adha 2011 will be celeberated on Sunday 6th of November 2011 inshAllah. Eid prayer will be held at the ITSA Function Centre, Wollongong TAFE.

Change of Venue Eid Al- Adha 2011

Eid prayer will be held at the ITSA Function Centre, Wollongong TAFE. The address to the location is Wollongong TAFE, Foleys Lane, North Wollongong. Eid prayer will be held at 8:00am (sharp). All brothers and sisters are requested to bring their own praying mats. We apologise for the previous venue details.

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