Donations for Syria 27 Jul 2012

All donations made in OmarMosque today will go to help Syrian refuges in Lebanon. Sh Jamil will hand deliver the money inshAllah. Zakat and Fitra can be paid. It is estimated that on average $100 will be enough to feed a family during the Holy Month of Ramadan and $100 to clothe the children on Eid inshAllah.

Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran “And be steadfast in prayer; practise regular charity; and bow down your heads with those who bow down (in worship).” [02,43]

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Save yourself from hellfire by giving even half a date-fruit in charity.” – Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 2, Hadith 498

Ramadan 2012

Mufti of Australia Sh. Dr. Ibrahim Abu Muhammad has announced that Ramadan will start tomorrow 20/07/12 inshAllah. Please join us for Travih prayer after Isha tonight at 6:30pm. Special arrangement for sisters at building 7.

Rulings and Etiquette of Fasting

All brothers and sisters are invited to join us for a lesson on “Rulings and Etiquette of Fasting” by Dr. Maan and Sheikh Jamil on Saturday 14th of July 2012 after Isha prayer. The lesson will begin at 6:30pm and dinner will be served after the lesson. This is a good opportunity for all of us to learn to spend the Holy Month of Ramadan in the most appropriate way inshAllah.

Muslim Family in Australia: Rulings & Etiquettes

Saudi Club invites all brothers and sisters for a lecture by Saudi guest speakers Shaykh Muhammad As-Sayegh, Shaykh Muhammad Al-Abdulkarim and Dr. Khalid Al-Namlah on the important topic of

“Muslim Family in Australia: Rulings and Etiquettes”

The lecture will start after Magrib prayer inshAllah around 5pm. Refreshments will be served after the lecture.

Essentials of Fasting

All brothers and sisters are invited to join us for a lesson on Essentials of Fasting by Sheikh Jamil on Saturday 7th of July 2012 after Isha prayer. The lesson will begin at 6:30pm and dinner will be served after the lesson. This is a good opportunity for all of us to learn to spend the Holy Month of Ramadan in the most appropriate way inshAllah.