Eid Al Fitr 2018

Rooty Hill mosque has reported “The moon has been sighted in Rooty Hill Masjid NSW, Four regular Musalleen of Rooty Hill Masjid has also given Shahdah (witness) of sighting moon in Sydney. It has also been sighted in Casuarina Beach, Darwin.”

InshAllah tomorrow Friday will be first of Shawal. Eid prayer will be at Snakepit Stadium, Beaton Park, 37 Foley St Gwynneville 2500.

Hall will open at 7am and iqamah will be at 7:45am sharp.

Please bring your praying mat.

Wishing you all a happy and blessed Eid.


Wollongong Moon Sighting Committee had its meeting on Monday, 11 June 2018, and decided to meet again on Thursday for Sighting of the Moon.

The Committee is fully aware that some societies and/or groups had already made announcements about the day of Eid.

Any decision about Eid in Wollongong will be made by the Committee in its meeting on Thursday, 14 June 2018.

Once a decision is made, it will be announced on our facebook page, Omar Mosque website, Omar Mosque Watsapp group and an SMS will also be sent out, Inshallah.

The Committee consists on:

1. Sh Abdul Rahman,
2. Sh Jamil El-Biza
3. Sh Nuri Alrzeghi
4. Sh Abu Obada,
5. Abdulaziz Alghazi,
6. Dr Munir Hussain

May Allah accept our fasting and good deeds.

Community Families Iftar, & Night of 27 Ramadan

InshAllah, Tonight (Mon 11June) may be Laylat Al Qadar, night better than Thousands months.

Come to either Omar/Uthman Mosque before Maghrib(4:53pm) for FAMILIES IFTAR and enjoy a crispy Iftar, Delicious dinner and variety of sweets

Do part/whole night Etkaf, Beg to Allah SWT for Forgiveness, Repentance & Blessings. Pray Tahajjud in congregation (3:45am), enjoy Nutritious Suhoor in Omar Mosque.

Tahajjud – Night Prayer

InshAllah Tahajjud Prayer in congregation will start from Tonight, Tuesday 5 June 2018, at 3:45am followed by Suhoor. Eytakaf for Men in Mosque and for Sisters in Ladies Mosque, Building number 7.

“Verily, getting up at night is the most potent means of subduing the self and most effective in respect of words of prayer”

(AlQuran 73:7).

And during a part of the night, keep awake by the prayer. It is beyond what is incumbent on you; maybe your Lord will raise you to a position of great glory.[1]

— Al-Isra 17:79

And they who pass the night prostrating themselves before their Lord and standing.[2]

— Al-Furqan 25:64