Eid Prayer Bookings- Saturday

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Eid Prayer Registration, Saturday, 1 August 2020, Three Sessions, 35 individuals per Session

Eid Prayer- Three Sessions

  1. 7:10 am – 7:45 am, Iqama: 7:20 am
  2. 7:45 am –8:15 am, Iqama: 7:55 am
  3. 8:15 am – 8:45 am, Iqama: 8:25 am

According COVID-19 restrictions ONLY 35 people are allowed per session due to 4 SQM per person restriction.

Registration is compulsory. Please register by clicking the following link

Please note that if you do not register, you may not be allowed to enter the mosque. InshAllah, we will try our best to accommodate all those come to the Mosque to pray.

We wish you all a Happy, Blessed and Safe Eid

Eid Prayer Announcement

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Eid Prayer Announcement

InshAllah Eid will be on Saturday. Registration is compulsory and due to start of construction work there is no space outside to pray. Per COVID-19 ristrictions only 35 people will be allowed inside the hall.

Prayer times and registration process will be shared tomorrow inshaAllah.

We will have multiple sessions and will try to accomodate as many as we can who will be celebrating Eid on Saturday.

For those celebrating Eid on Friday, there will be a session tomorrow at 7:45am. Registration is compulsory. Please register below:

Please note that if you do not register, you may not be allowed to enter the mosque as we have very limited spots.

Iftar Day Of Arafa

Takeaway Iftar from Omar Mosque on

Thursday 30th July (8th of Dhu al-Hijjah)

Friday 31st July (9th of Dhu al-Hijjah)

Pickup 5pm

Sh Mohamed Hoblos Live

Special Event

A motivational talk by:

Sh Mohamed Hoblos Live from Masjid Omar Wollongong tonight after Isha 6:34pm

Per COVID-19 ristrictions there will be limited entry to the mosque. Kindly cooperate with the management in regards to this.

Sheikh is available in the masjid now and you are welcome to meet him.

To accommodate as many people as possible, kindly no children under 12 and no sisters. We apologize for any inconvenience.

We will be live from our Facebook page


Eid Al Adha 1441 AH, 2020AD – Saturday 1 August 2020

Moon was not sighted anywhere in Australia yesterday, Tuesday 21 July 2020. Therefore Today, Wednesday 22 July 2020, is the 30th of the Islamic Month of Dhu’l-Qi’adah and, InshAllah tomorrow, Thursday 23 July 2020, will be the First of the Month of Dhu’l-Hijjah.

InshAllah, Saturday, 1 August 2020, will be the day of Eid ul Adha.

InshAllah there will be multiple sessions of Eid prayer on Saturday and we will keep you informed in due time.

We acknowledge that there is a difference of opinion among scholars about the moonsighting and we hold the opinion of all the scholars in the highest esteem and respect.