Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation from Tonight, Thursday 21 April 2022

‎بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

Start of the Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation from Tonight, Thursday 21 April 2022, 3:00am followed by Sahur.

InshAllah, starting from Tonight, Thursday 21 April 2022, there will be daily Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation @ 3:00-4:30am until the last day of month of Ramadan, followed by Sahur around 4:30am.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, Seek Lailat Al-Qadr (Night of Decree-night better than a thousand months) in the odd nights out of the last ten nights of Ramadan. (Al-Bukhari).

Those who have started Fasting on Saturday 2 April 2022, tonight is the first odd night of the last ten nights and those who have started Fasting on Sunday 3 April 2022, Tomorrow night, Friday 22 April 2022 will be the first odd night of the last ten nights.

We welcome all those interested in doing full itikaf in these last ten days of Ramadan or partial itikaf.