Moonsighting Update

Assalam alaikom

For the brothers and sisters who follow local moonsighting masjid omar Comittee would like to announce the moon has been sighted in Mareeba.

Eid prayer tomorrow 7:45am
UOW Sports Hub
Building 9
University of Wollongong

Hall will open at 7am.

Please bring your prayer mat.

Eid Mubarak to all.

Eid Announcement

Eid Announcement per ANIC, Sat 22 April, UOW Sports Hub, 7:45am

Per local moon sighting the announcement will be made on Friday evening.

Assalam alaikom brothers and sisters

Many Muslim organisations, including ANIC, have announced that Eid will be on Saturday 22nd Of April

Omar Mosque Committee would like to announce that Eid prayer will be held at

UOW Sports Hub

Building 9

University of Wollongong

Hall will open 7am

Prayer 7:45am

Please bring your prayer mat.

For the brothers and sisters following local moon sighting, the announcement will be made on Friday night, in case the moon is not sighted, a different venue will be announced for Sunday.

Omar mosque committee acknowledges that there are different opinions on the matter and requests all Muslims to respect these differences.

Eid Mubarak to all.