Announcements for Eid and Ramadan

Eid Announcement per ANIC, Wed 10 April, UOW Sports Hub, 7:30am – Parking P4 Only

Many Muslim organisations, including ANIC, have announced that Eid will be on Wednesday, 10 April

Omar Mosque Committee would like to announce that Eid prayer will be held at
UOW Sports Hub
Building 9
University of Wollongong

Hall will open 6:30am
Prayer 7:30am sharp
Parking P4 Only

Please bring your prayer mat.


For the brothers and sisters following local moon sighting, the announcement will be made on Tuesday night (9 April), in case the moon is not sighted, a different venue will be announced for Thursday.

Continue reading “Eid Announcement per ANIC, Wed 10 April, UOW Sports Hub, 7:30am – Parking P4 Only”

Eid Announcement- Eid Al Adha

Assalam alaikom brothers and sisters

Many Muslim Organisations have announced that Eid will be on Saturday 9th Of July

Masjid Omar Comittee would like to advise that inshallah Eid prayer will be at

Building 9 Sports Hub University of Wollongong

Hall will open 7am
Prayer 8:00am

Please bring your prayer mat.

Announcement for the brothers and sisters who follow local moon sighting

For the brothers and sisters who follow local moonsighting masjid omar Comittee would like to advise that the *moon was sighted in Alice Springs, Australia yesterday.

For those following moonsighting Eid prayer will be held at

Snakepit Basketball Stadium
Sunday 10th July 2022

Eid Mubarak to all.

Omar mosque committee acknowledges that there are different opinions on the matter and requests all Muslims to respect these differences.

Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation from Tonight, Thursday 21 April 2022

‎بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم

Start of the Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation from Tonight, Thursday 21 April 2022, 3:00am followed by Sahur.

InshAllah, starting from Tonight, Thursday 21 April 2022, there will be daily Tahajjud Prayer in Congregation @ 3:00-4:30am until the last day of month of Ramadan, followed by Sahur around 4:30am.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, Seek Lailat Al-Qadr (Night of Decree-night better than a thousand months) in the odd nights out of the last ten nights of Ramadan. (Al-Bukhari).

Those who have started Fasting on Saturday 2 April 2022, tonight is the first odd night of the last ten nights and those who have started Fasting on Sunday 3 April 2022, Tomorrow night, Friday 22 April 2022 will be the first odd night of the last ten nights.

We welcome all those interested in doing full itikaf in these last ten days of Ramadan or partial itikaf.

Ramadan Announcement

Assalam alaikom brothers and sisters

Many Muslim Organisations have already announced that the first day of Ramadan will be Saturday 2nd of April

Inshallah Taraweeh prayer at Omar Mosque will commence on Friday night and isha jamat will be at 20 minutes after azan.

For the brothers and sisters who follow local moon sighting, the announcement will be made on Saturday night

Iftar will be served every day at the masjid and maghrib jamat will be delayed by 25 minutes.

Omar mosque committee acknowledges that there are different opinions on the matter and requests all Muslims to respect these differences

Ramadan Mubarak

Eid Prayer Announcement

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Eid Prayer Announcement

InshAllah Eid will be on Saturday. Registration is compulsory and due to start of construction work there is no space outside to pray. Per COVID-19 ristrictions only 35 people will be allowed inside the hall.

Prayer times and registration process will be shared tomorrow inshaAllah.

We will have multiple sessions and will try to accomodate as many as we can who will be celebrating Eid on Saturday.

For those celebrating Eid on Friday, there will be a session tomorrow at 7:45am. Registration is compulsory. Please register below:

Please note that if you do not register, you may not be allowed to enter the mosque as we have very limited spots.

Eid Al Adha 1441 AH, 2020AD – Saturday 1 August 2020

Moon was not sighted anywhere in Australia yesterday, Tuesday 21 July 2020. Therefore Today, Wednesday 22 July 2020, is the 30th of the Islamic Month of Dhu’l-Qi’adah and, InshAllah tomorrow, Thursday 23 July 2020, will be the First of the Month of Dhu’l-Hijjah.

InshAllah, Saturday, 1 August 2020, will be the day of Eid ul Adha.

InshAllah there will be multiple sessions of Eid prayer on Saturday and we will keep you informed in due time.

We acknowledge that there is a difference of opinion among scholars about the moonsighting and we hold the opinion of all the scholars in the highest esteem and respect.

Eid Al Fitr 1441 AH, 2020AD

No moon sighting has been observed or reported in any part of Australia.

InshAllah, Tomorrow, Sunday will be 30th of Ramadan and day of fasting.

InshAllah Monday 25 May 2020, will be the First Day of Shawal & day of Eid ul Fitr.

We acknowledge that there is a difference of opinion among scholars about the moonsighting and we hold the opinion of all the scholars in the highest esteem and respect.

Online Payment of Zakat Al Fitr, Zakat Al-Maal

Online Payment of Zakat Al-Fitr, Zakat Al-Maal

1. Fitrah /Zakat Al-Fitr; *$12 per Person*, Must be paid before Eid Prayer

2. Zakat/Zakat Al-Maal 2.5 Percentage,

Nisab / Threshold for Zakat Al Maal
According to Gold Standard: $6,330.80
According to Silver Standard: $467.10
(per rates on 20 April 2020)

To pay your Fitrah or Zakat through Omar Mosque, Please Deposit or Transfer the money into following bank account with the relevant Reference Code.

Bank: Westpac Bank

Account Name: Wollongong Islamic Society or WIS
BSB: 032 685
Account number: 406287

Reference Code for Fitrah: 1234 or Fitrah
Reference Code for Zakat: 6789 or Zakat

Please Note:
If you are paying both Fitrah and Zakat then you MUST make two separate deposits/transfer with the relevant reference code.

If No Reference Code is mentioned, then that amount will be considered as donation to the Mosque.

To make donation to the Mosque you can use “Donation” as reference code.

Wishing you all a Blessed Month of Ramadan

Takeaway Iftar

Takeaway Iftar –Extension from Weekends to Daily

InshAllah, starting from Today, Monday 4 May 2020, there will be Daily Takeaway Iftar at Omar Mosque.

AlHamdoLilla, around 150 Iftar and Full Dinner Meal Packs were distributed yesterday among students and community members.

The decision to extend the Iftar from weekend to daily is made at the request of the attendee and knowing that majority of students are facing hardship due to COVID-19 Pandemic.

Please come to Omar Mosque from 4:15pm to pick up your Takeaway Iftar & Meal.

Continue reading “Takeaway Iftar –Extension from Weekends to Daily”